Versão em Português

The Author


The interest for the art of photographing with better quality appeared from the need to have a greater knowledge about the subject. Initially, I completed a course by correspondence, sharing the expenses with a colleague from work. I have also read some technical publications. Between 1980 and 1983, while I was working as Press Assessor of the Secretariat of Hydraulic Resources and Habitation, I acquired more experience, working with famous professionals during trips to register construction sites for water supply and sanitation. This acquaintance was very important, because they gave me a lot of tips about how to use the equipment correctly, application of rules, besides techniques for panoramic (air) pictures. With the dear friend and colleague Oduvaldo, caringly known as Almirante, I have also absorbed the knowledge about Black & White developing. I can not forget to mention the learning acquired with other people I consider important, such as Geraldo Athayde, Antônio Queirós, Jan Filmes, the friend "Dhuga" Margarida Neide, among others.

Between 1985 and 1987, as a collaborator of Asa Delta, from Jornal A Tarde, headed by the journalist Carlos Alberto Reis, I had the opportunity to wander more around the city, covering social events. I started to observe the inscriptions in the form of graffito already existent in the walls of the city. The messages were signed under pseudonyms. People used graffito to make protests, satire and a lot of humor, such as "Madame Mim", "Mancha" and "Faustino". Thereon, came the idea of photographing every and any urban intervention, searching various points of the city looking after works performed on the streets by anonymous characters, graffitist, and artists of any kind.
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